Early Intervention
- 4 weeks and up to 10 hours of service
- Completed by a Bachelors Level Para-Professional
- Includes basic family assessment encompassing family strengths, issues jeopardizing stability, how
these issues were addressed, and interpretive summary with recommendations
- 3 to 6 months and up to 44 hours of service
- Completed by a Licensed or License-Eligible Therapist
- Includes Written Family Assessment, Crisis Intervention, Family and Individual Therapy sessions,
Individualized Family Service Plan, 24 Hour On-Call Therapist
Parent Education
- 3 to 6 months and up to 77 hours of service
- Completed by a Bachelors Level Para-Professional
- Includes Family Assessment, Individualized Family Service Plan, and curriculum focused on parent
education, effective discipline, behavior modification, effective praise, safety, healthy and hygiene.
Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment
- Completed in 25 days from time of referral
- Completed by a Licensed or License Eligible Therapist trained in CCFAs.
Home Evaluation
- Completed in 30 days from time of referral
- Services are conducted by a Bachelors level Para-Professional or Licensed or License Eligible
Additional Assessments
- Substance Abuse Assessment
- Domestic Violence Assessment
- Parental Fitness Assessment
- Bonding Assessment